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Arizona Flycasters Club's Annual Banquet

The Annual Banquet is finally here

Members have a chance to connect with other members while enjoying some great deals on the raffle items (not all fishing stuff). And of course the silent auction offers including trips, bamboo rods and more!

AFC will recognize its outstanding members with four special awards including the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Come enjoy a meal with a variety of entrees, the camaraderie of other club members and help support our club.

Register by September 10th to receive an entry for a rod and reel door prize!

Register Here

Brad Norgaard Christmas Tree Lake 5_7_2019

Brad Norgaard - Christmas Tree Lake 5/7/2019

Meeting Information

Arizona Flycasters Club holds monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of the month.
The meetings are held at the:
Arizona American-Italian Club

7509 N 12th St, Phoenix, AZ

Meetings begin at 6:00pm with a social hour and raffles and wrap up with club updates and a speaker.
Meetings usually end at 8:30 or 9:00.

About once a quarter AFC will hold a new member orientation which coincides with the monthly meetings.

Get Involved

Arizona Flycasters Club started in 1962, we are now more than 60 years old and have over 200 members. We boast fly fishing education, outings, monthly meetings, and fishy camaraderie. 

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Official Address
PO Box 47357
Phoenix, AZ 85068
United States of America

AFC is a Federal 501(c)3 non-profit, educational entity
incorporated under the laws of Arizona.

Established 1962